Recipe for Spicy Stir-fried Chili Peppers

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes, Hunan cuisine

When I take a bite of chili pepper, a rush of stimulation immediately fills my mouth, as if thousands of arrows are released, instantly igniting my taste buds. The spiciness of the chili pepper dances like flames in my mouth, bringing an unprecedented intense pleasure. Spicy stir-fried chili peppers not only provide a fiery sensation but also release a rich aroma. Its spiciness blends with other seasonings and ingredients, creating a marvelous chemical reaction that enhances the depth and complexity of the dish.
Ingredients for Spicy Stir-fried Chili Peppers

Green pepper 420g
Small chili pepper 12g
Garlic 8g
Fermented blank bean 12g
Edible oil 32g
Salt 6g
Steamed fish soy sauce 6g

1.Prepare a bowl of green chili peppers like this, fermented black beans , minced garlic, and small dried chili peppers. Remove the seeds from the chili peppers and rinse them thoroughly with water.

2.Use a knife to firmly smash the chili peppers until they resemble the image provided.

3.Heat some cooking oil in a clean pan and add the dark-colored fermented black beans along with the minced garlic. Stir-fry until fragrant before adding the green chili peppers. When stir-frying these spicy chili peppers, it is important to note that after adding them to the pan, start with low heat to soften them gradually. Once softened, increase the heat to create a blistered texture on the peppers. While stir-frying, use a spoon to mash the peppers a bit, making them even smaller.

4.After achieving the blistered texture, add the small dried chili peppers and a tablespoon of salt. Continue stir-frying. The peppers should be cooked through to reduce excessive spiciness and enhance flavor.

5.Finally, add a generous amount of steamed fish soy sauce  and stir-fry until everything is evenly coated. Transfer to a serving plate.

1.It is preferable to choose long, pointed chili peppers and thoroughly wash them before smashing them with a knife.
2.When sautéing the minced garlic, you can use a slightly larger amount of oil for enhanced flavor.
3.When stir-frying until the peppers become slightly tender, you can add a moderate amount of salt and soy sauce for seasoning. Note that it’s recommended to use a slightly higher amount of salt, as excessive spiciness from the chili peppers can be balanced out.

Because of the presence of chili peppers, our lives become richer and more colorful. They are adventurers for our taste buds, symbols of bravery, and markers of taste. Whether we challenge ourselves or indulge in delicious food, the fiery charm of spicy chili peppers guides us on a wonderful journey of flavors.

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