Essence of chicken

Published Categorized as Seasoning, Vegetables

Caloric Content: 195kcal/100g
Effects: Nutritional supplement, increases appetite
Introduction: Essence of chicken, known as chicken essence or chicken bouillon, is a composite flavoring agent made from fresh chicken meat, bones, and eggs. It can be used in all occasions where monosodium glutamate (MSG) is used, and adding an appropriate amount to dishes, soups, and noodles can achieve the desired effect. Besides containing monosodium glutamate, Jijing also contains various amino acids. It is a common seasoning that not only increases people’s appetite but also provides certain nutrition. Chicken essence products focus more on umami taste, hence having a higher MSG content, while chicken powder emphasizes the natural fragrance derived from chicken meat, resulting in a higher usage of chicken powder. Besides containing monosodium glutamate, Jijing also contains various amino acids. It is a common seasoning that not only increases people’s appetite but also provides certain nutrition.

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