Western Region Flavor – Big Plate Chicken

We often say don’t waste food, not only because “粒粒皆辛苦”, but also because a dish can appear on your table after hundreds of years of hard work. For example, the big plate of chicken is not only a plate of chicken, but also a crystallization of human civilization. How to say? In this dish, although…

Lamb Marrow

Lamb marrow 羊髓 ( yáng suǐ ) Calories: 106kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Supplement nutrition、Provide energy Not Suitable for: Liver disease、Diabetes、hyperlipidemia、Acute gastritis Introduction: Lamb marrow refers to the bone marrow or spinal cord of a lamb.Lamb marrow is rich in nutrients and has various health benefits.It can nourish the lungs, moisturize the skin and hair, and help…

Categorized as Meat, Sheep

Lamb Shoulder Ribs

Lamb shoulder ribs 羊肩排 ( yáng jiān pái ) Calories: 203kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Strengthen the muscles and bones Not Suitable for: Obesity、hypertension Introduction: Lamb shoulder ribs refers to the meat attached to the scapula bone, covered with layers of thin membranes.It is a combination of lean and fat with a tender texture.Lamb shoulder ribs are…

Categorized as Meat, Sheep

Duck wings

Duck wings 鸭翅 ( yā chì ) Calories: 200kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Enhance appetite、Promote diuresis and reduce swelling、Clear heat and cool blood Not Suitable for: Obesity、Arteriosclerosis Introduction: Duck wings are a part of the duck located in the lower half of its body, connected to the duck breast.Duck wings contain rich nutrients such as proteins, fats,…

Categorized as Duck, Meat

Duck leg

Duck leg 鸭腿 ( yā tuǐ ) Calories: 240kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Increase appetite、Nourish yin and stomach、Delay aging Not Suitable for: Gastritis、Deficiency of qi and yin in spleen and stomach Introduction: Duck leg refers to the thigh portion of a duck. Duck legs have a cool nature and a sweet taste.Their characteristic is being neither warm…

Categorized as Duck, Meat

Duck’s gizzard

Duck‘s gizzard 鸭胗 ( yā zhēn ) Calories: 99kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Induce digestion、Improve vision、 Supplment iron Not Suitable for: Hyperlipidemia Introduction: Duck‘s gizzard is equivalent to the stomach of a duck.It is firm and consists of two layers.The main components found in duck’s gizzards include gastrointestinal hormones, keratin, amino acids, etc.They have the ability to…

Categorized as Duck, Meat

Duck blood

Duck blood 鸭血 ( yā xiě ) Calories: 56kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Prevent anemia、Detoxify and relax bowels、Improve immunity Not Suitable for: Liver disease、Hypertension、Coronary heart disease Introduction: Duck blood refers to the blood of domestic ducks.It is best to obtain fresh blood for consumption.Duck blood has a salty taste and a cool nature.It is believed to have…

Categorized as Duck, Meat

Duck intestines

Duck intestines 鸭肠 ( yā cháng ) Calories: 129kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Strengthen bones、Prevent aging Not Suitable for: Tuberculosis、Hypertension Introduction: Duck intestines is one of the internal organs of a duck and is commonly used in many dishes.Duck intestines have high nutritional value, being rich in protein, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, iron, and…

Categorized as Duck, Meat

Duck neck

Duck neck 鸭脖 ( yā bó ) Calories: 100kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Nourish the stomach、Delay aging Not Suitable for: Deficiency and cold of spleen and stomach Introduction: Duck neck is the neck portion of a duck and is commonly used as an ingredient in various dishes.Duck neck has firm meat and a delicious taste, with a…

Categorized as Duck, Meat

Duck clavicle

Duck clavicles 鸭锁骨 ( yā suǒ gǔ ) Calories: 220kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Enhance appetite、Promote digestion Not Suitable for: Dysmenorrhea Introduction: The location of duck clavicles is the curved area below the duck’s neck, where people mainly taste the clavicular meat protruding from the bone and the cartilage connected to the joint.The fat acid in duck…

Categorized as Duck, Meat